5:29 AM by Hannah Lynn

5:29 AM

don’t you want to live forever?
isn’t that what you fear the most?
bring tears to a dry eye and reveal
the new world -

climb to the hilltop
where the song of
revving engines for a race;
to make noise over
the defiant cricket
conducting his orchestra;
a jogger passes with his confident stride,
and that early morning choir begins to whisper
its most familiar hymn.
the world lightens -

pay no mind to the mosquito at your ear;
metal against metal.
this is how the world is born -

through a haze
of smoke,
it brightens.
two birds fly overhead,
heading left
and where only they know?
or god?
or the wind?
this great city in a cloud
and this hilltop, littered -

i was here,
i have writ my name
amongst them!
a bone bit from the flesh,
a voice calling out!
circling cries of the gulls,
screaming at the earth
while the rest descend
on that which you have claimed -

the world brightens,
it spites.
it lives with the cricket
and his orchestra,
and with those who listen.
good morning to the immortal,
to the eternal.



About the author: South Chicago based painter and writer Hannah Lynn uses her artistic practice as meditative tools for self-discovery and inner world building. Gaining inspiration everywhere, she is in close contact with the inseparable nature of the universe and aims to “follow the thread” of her personal Labyrinth, in investigation of the fundamental truths which hold the power of imprisonment and liberation for humanity at large. Learning from Jung, she views Dreams as a gateway to this investigation - her dreams and dream-like view of the waking world is the main subject of her work.

See more of Hannah’s work on her website.