Your Land by Ali El-Chaer

Ali El-Chaer (they).jpg

From the artist:

At the beginning of July the annexation of the West Bank in Palestine began and I was disgusted by the lack of international response. A lot of Palestinian youth feel homesick for a land they are not allowed to tep foot on, myself included. And what was the point of everyone being forced to flee if Israel was just going to pour over and train the police in Georgia—colonization and cruelty always has a way of doing that. It is inescapable.

It is “YOUR LAND” referring to Israel and America but Palestine will always be mine, long after I die and all the eyes of angels float over my head. Everything they claim to be their history was because they destroyed the evidence and documents. It was ours first. They think they can delete the copious amounts of proof behind our existence but I am still standing right here.

The Arabic word I chose translates to "whore" because that is what they call our women after they rape us and our land. Teaching the children we are terrorists on our own soil, but even if the yasmines get covered in blood they will always bloom again and we are going to get our land back and our culture will never leave us. The hands are all the children being born from us catching all our traditions and who we are still fighting for.



See more of Ali’s work on their website and Instagram.