Two Poems by Colleen Anderson

(in memory of Black Elk)

Wasichus infest our land
blood snow covers babies
bullets fly faster than geese
and Lakota yell, Black Elk
this is a day for something great

Blood flying from the people
faster than they flee the bullets
where is the nation’s hoop
trampled under soldier horses
my vision seems so far

Children and women run to gullies
hiding from the cavalrymen
bones to grow at Wounded Knee
I drop the sacred bow for gun
charge flying as the geese of north

Bullets buzz around me bees
where is the sacred tree wilted
Close I shoot Wasichus shooting
men and women no homes nor weapons
our land taken to make our graves
I don’t fear a good day to die

I fly away geese leave me
and fear settles inside
a thud a bite through my belt
I nearly fall Protector catches
binds my insides red and hot
back to me the nation’s hoop broken

Crazy to kill rest murdered Crazy Horse
help me to my horse blanketed in blood
it’s a good day to die
belly bound in blankets bloodied mud
where is the sacred road

No, Black Elk
Protector holds me back
you are needed by your people
there will be a better day to die
my vision seems so far away

the emperor


The gems?
Yes, I’ve seen them

emeralds veldts trampled by herded feet
onyx black sticks hurtling down on skulls
pearls spit on broken teeth
garnets dried blood on beaten brows
rubies bloodshot eyes deprived of sleep
smoky topaz the stare of those who would defy
diamonds bones shining from unmarked graves

to wear
for show

All this and more
laid at our feet

No, I’ve not seen them...

Bio: My fiction and poetry have appeared in over 250 publications in such places Polu Texni, Lite Lit One, and Really System. I have a BFA in creative writing and am a recent recipient of a BC Arts Council and Canada Council grant for writing. I have edited a third anthology, Alice Unbound: Beyond Wonderland, Exile Books and have a short fiction collection, A Body of Work, Black Shuck Books. I'm currently working on a collection of poetry and an alternate history novel.

You can learn more about Colleen on her website.