Three Works by Joel M. Tokarczyk

¿Aún me amarás en la mañana?

Joel M Tokarczyk_AunMeAmarasManana.jpg

From the artist: The title of this piece is Spanish for “Will you still love me tomorrow?”, based off one of my favorite songs by Carole King. This piece is dedicated to all those experiencing difficult times, and is a reminder that even in the darkest of moments, there will always be someone who will love them because they make the world a brighter place by shining their own individual light.


A Toucan Can Can-Can, and So Can You

Joel M Tokarczyk_AToucanCanCanCanandSoCanYou.jpg

This painting is dedicated to LBGTQIA+ youth and symbolizes how we are each able to accomplish our goals by embracing our own unique talents and identities. 


Things That Are Resilient

Joel M Tokarczyk_Things That Are Resilience.jpg

For this piece, my goal was to feature many animals that have a protective force/shield that gives each a source of strength and resilience against outside attack. However, at the top of the pyramid is the word “YOU” which tells each viewer that they also can be resilient as well.

See more of Joel’s work on his website and Instagram.